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Easly in & for the media

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About us

Easly is an innovative provider of healthcare products and services. We market a wide range of medical self-tests using the latest digital technology. Data safety, quality and professionalism are paramount. Our lab is therefore fully accredited. Moreover, Easly is ISO 27001 and NEN 5710 certified.

Latest news

Zorgondernemer redt leven op podium

Care entrepreneur saves life on stage

Easly CEO Jeroen de Jong attended a lunch looking ahead to Big Improvement Day (BID). When a medical emergency occurred, he saved a colleague’s life through quick intervention, the Telegraph writes.

Ontdek de verbinding tussen stress en huidaandoeningen

Discover the connection between stress and skin conditions

We’ve all heard that stress is bad for our health, but did you know it can also affect your skin? Stress can worsen or even cause skin conditions. It’s important to understand how this works so you can better manage the effects of stress on your skin.

Jeroen de Jong (Easly): ‘Er is een hoop te winnen in de zorg’

Jeroen de Jong (Easly): ‘There is a lot to gain in healthcare’

The website was curious to hear Easly CEO Jeroen de Jong’s story and asked him about the turbulent corona period, the birth of Easly, and his views on innovation and the future of healthcare.

10 manieren waarop onopgeloste stress uw lichaam beïnvloedt

10 Ways Unresolved Stress Affects Your Body

Stress is a natural response of the body to challenging situations. It helps us to react quickly and deal with threats. However, when stress becomes chronic and remains unresolved, it can have serious consequences for our physical and mental health.

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