In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
Every person is sensitive to medication to varying degrees. Over- or underdosing is lurking, with all its consequences (side effects). Easly offers a DNA test that determines the DNA Medication Passport based on a saliva sample in our laboratory.
The advantages:
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
Every person is sensitive to medication to varying degrees. Over- or underdosing is lurking, with all its consequences (side effects). Easly offers a DNA test that determines the DNA Medication Passport based on a saliva sample in our laboratory.
The advantages:
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | Hämoglobin |
How to take your sample:
Finger prick
Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein that is part of the red blood cell. For example, each red blood cell contains over 200 million hemoglobin proteins. When there is a risk of anemia, this substance is always examined during a blood test. Hemoglobin in fact, provides oxygen transport in your blood and is thus a vital substance for your body.
The hemoglobin test from Easly checks the hemoglobin level in your blood. This is not done through a blood draw in the hospital, but simply through a finger prick. Thus, from now on you can measuring Hb yourself. You simply send us your blood sample and we will then check to see if there is enough hemoglobin in your blood. Since our blood ensures, among other things, that our organs function properly, (preventive) blood tests are enormously important.
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | Hämoglobin |
How to take your sample:
Finger prick
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Price shown per test. Ordered by 5 p.m. on weekdays, same-day shipping.
The hemoglobin protein ensures that both oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported through our bodies. This is because when we breathe in, oxygen particles attach to hemoglobin proteins. Through the blood, they are transported to our organs, where the hemoglobin proteins then release them. The hemoglobin also transports carbon dioxide from the tissues, back to the lungs where it can be exhaled. Thus, these hemoglobin proteins make up as much as a third of our red blood cells, of which about 1% are renewed every day.
The Hb is the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. The level of hemoglobin in a blood sample is expressed in millimoles per liter (mmol/l) or in grams per deciliter (g/dl), depending on the laboratory.
In order to make hemoglobin, your body needs iron. In addition, folic acid (vitamin B11) and vitamin B12 are also needed to make the Hb protein. Hemoglobin is then built into the red blood cell, where it can perform its function.
Normal values for hemoglobin depend on the laboratory and thus may differ slightly from one another. The normal values are shown below. A normal value Hb is different for men and women.
Too low a hemoglobin level can be due to poor red blood cell production, after all: hemoglobin is a component of the red blood cell. Also, when red blood cells are broken down too quickly, low Hb levels can occur. In addition, deficiencies in vitamins (vitamin B11, vitamin B12) and minerals (iron) or blood loss can still lead to hemoglobin deficiency.
Too high a hemoglobin level can be due to a particular condition, but it can also be caused by dehydration, where there is a relative excess of hemoglobin over fluid in the blood. Also, heart failure or lung disease can cause excessive hemoglobin. Too much hemoglobin leads to viscous blood, whose viscosity is increased. This can lead to clot formation.
Too low a level of hemoglobin will eventually lead to the tissues in the body not receiving enough oxygen. Then it is referred to as anemia. Too high a value can cause blood clots, or thrombosis.
What are the symptoms of hemoglobin deficiency?
Depending on how severe your deficit is, you need to make other efforts. If you have a severe deficiency, it is best to discuss with your doctor what treatment and follow-up is right for you. With a less severe deficiency, you can increase your hemoglobin levels by eating a sufficient and balanced diet and ensuring adequate intake of vitamin B11, vitamin B12 and iron.
If you suspect something is wrong with your blood, it is a good idea to have the hemoglobin levels in your blood checked. Even when you’ve lost a lot of blood, it’s best to check that all the values in your blood are still up to par.
On this page you can buy an Hb test so you can easily test yourself at home every time from now on.
When too low a hemoglobin level becomes dangerous depends on the situation. A dangerously low hemoglobin concentration calls for supplementation, or the administration of hemoglobin. There is then a need for blood transfusion. In the hospital, it is common to apply the 4-5-6 rule to determine whether transfusion of blood (containing hemoglobin) is actually necessary. After all, a transfusion is not without possible danger either. Broadly speaking, this rule boils down to the following: the healthier the person and the less complex or urgent the clinical picture, the lower the hemoglobin may be before proceeding with supplementation. For example, a person with an Hb of 6 may already be supplemented if he or she meets certain severe criteria, and a person with an Hb of 5 may not yet be supplemented if he or she is otherwise healthy.
Hb staat voor hemoglobine. Hemoglobine is een eiwit en is een onderdeel van de rode bloedcel (de erytrocyt). In hemoglobine zijn vier ijzermoleculen verscholen. Deze ijzermoleculen zijn in staat om elk één zuurstofmolecuul te binden.
Read moreOur Hb blood tests are for anyone who would like to gain more insight into his or her blood count and emphasize the hemoglobin value.
First and foremost, work with a physician to determine the cause of the deficiency incurred. Only when you know why your hemoglobin levels are too low can you work efficiently to replenish that deficiency.
Hemoglobin is an important protein that transports oxygen throughout your body via the blood.
The hemoglobin protein is made by your body in the bone marrow and built into the red blood cell.
A hemoglobin value indicates the level of hemoglobin in your blood and is expressed as millimoles per liter (mmol/l) or as grams per deciliter (g/dl).
Easly’s hemoglobin test checks the hemoglobin level in your blood. This is not done through a blood draw in the hospital, but simply through a finger prick. This way, you can measure Hb yourself from now on. You simply send us your blood sample and we will then check to see if there is enough hemoglobin in your blood. Since the blood, among other things, ensures that our organs function properly, (preventive) blood tests are hugely important.
Thanks to our medical experts, you can always count on a reliable result.
With the hemoglobin (Hb) test, you can find out if you have too little or too much hemoglobin in your blood. In fact, too little hemoglobin causes anemia and can cause constant fatigue and lack of energy, among other things. With too much hemoglobin in your blood, you may suffer from headaches, for example.
Do you recognize these symptoms in yourself? Then it’s good to test yourself.
At Easly, all tests are screened in our laboratories by our own doctors. In this way, we can always guarantee correct service. We are the only one in the Netherlands with this far-reaching service.
Easily order the test of your choice online. Tracking the development of your values over a longer period of time? Order multiple packages immediately.
You easily order a test kit of your choice. If you like to schedule subsequent tests ahead choose multiple packages.
Activate the test and take your sample in the morning. Send it back the same day, free of charge, with the enclosed shipping label.
Easly has a fully certified laboratory, where expert personnel process your sample. Professional and accurate.
Within 48 hours of receiving your sample, we share the test result with you confidentially in our portal and app.
Validation and personal consultation by our physician. When you repeat the test, you can follow the development of your values in a graph.
All Easly digital systems have been developed and tested with great care. Because we work with both medical and personal data, our digital and physical processes are highly secured.
Easly develops all its test packages in-house. This allows us to continuously evaluate and improve reliability and quality. With the latest technology and the insights of the 21st century, we continue to innovate.
The Easy result is more than a result from the lab. All Samples are processed with the utmost discretion in the laboratory and then undergo a medical Interpretation, assessment and advice by one of our physicians.