Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | Blutplättchen, Erythrozyten, Hämatokrit, Hämoglobin, Leukozyten, MCH, MCHC, MCV |
How to take your sample:
Finger prick
With this health test you get an overview of your blood count in no time. In that summary, the values of all important blood cells and related determinations are displayed, giving you an immediate and clear impression of your overall health.
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | Blutplättchen, Erythrozyten, Hämatokrit, Hämoglobin, Leukozyten, MCH, MCHC, MCV |
How to take your sample:
Finger prick
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Price shown per test. Ordered by 5 p.m. on weekdays, same-day shipping.
A general blood test at Easly consists of a finger prick test. Using this blood test, you will find out the value of several different blood cells, including the value of platelets (thrombocytes), red (erythrocytes) and white (leukocytes) blood cells, among others.
With this preventive health check you obtain a clear overview of your health.
A comprehensive blood test gives the most complete picture of your health. Blood consists of several parts: fluid or plasma (containing all kinds of dissolved substances) and the blood cells. Therefore, in many cases it is less useful to measure only the value of a single substance.
When something is wrong with your blood, it can lead to different symptoms, depending on where the problem occurs. Below we have listed what blood cells we test for and why it is important:
Hemoglobin (Hb).
Hemoglobin is a protein and part of the red blood cell. Each red blood cell contains over 200 million hemoglobin proteins. It plays a very important role in the oxygenation of organs and tissues. A normal hemoglobin value is different for men and women, with lower values being accepted for women, especially pregnant women. Low hemoglobin levels will eventually lead to oxygen deprivation at the tissue level and can have serious consequences. Hemoglobin levels may also be too high. This can occur as a result of dehydration, lung diseases, bone marrow disorders and from staying at high altitudes.
Hematocrit (Ht)
Hematocrit measures the proportion of red blood cells in the blood. High hematocrit can have two causes: dehydration or excess red blood cells. A lowered hematocrit indicates anemia. A normal hematocrit is slightly higher for men than for women.
Red blood cells (erythrocytes).
Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes. Erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow and contain hemoglobin. They are essential for oxygen transport to organs and tissues. A deficiency of red blood cells is called anemia or anemia.
White blood cells (leukocytes)
White blood cells are also called leukocytes and are part of the immune system. The various types of leukocytes all play their own role in protecting against infection. A normal value falls approximately between 4 and 10 and does not depend on gender. An increase in leukocytes is called leukocytosis and often indicates infection. There are also other causes for high white blood cell counts, such as leukemia, severe stress, injury or burns. Of course, too low a value of leukocytes is also possible. This is called a leukopenia.
Platelets (thrombocytes)
Platelets or thrombocytes, like erythrocytes, are made in the bone marrow. Platelets are an essential part of blood clotting – the process that causes a wound to stop bleeding. A normal value ranges between 150 and 400. Too low a value (thrombocytopenia) can lead to bleeding. A value below 30 can be very dangerous and requires immediate attention from a physician. Excessive levels (thrombocytosis) can be caused by such things as infections, iron deficiency and bone marrow disorders.
The average red blood cell size can be measured. This measurement was named MCV and stands for mean corpuscular volume. Based on this measurement, the cause of anemia can be identified. For example, abnormal values may indicate deficiencies in B12 or iron. A normal MCV is about between 80 and 100.
Therefore, because the general blood test contains so many different values, the range of symptoms when there is any abnormality in one or more of the blood values, can also be very diverse. One of the most common abnormalities in blood tests is an abnormality in hemoglobin (Hb). This usually involves a deficiency in hemoglobin. This is also called anemia or anemia.
Symptoms consistent with anemia are:
With this preventive health check to your blood count, you get a clear overview of your overall health. If necessary, our doctors give their Medical Interpretation & Opinions.
MCH staat voor mean corpuscular hemoglobin. De MCH-test bepaalt de hoeveelheid hemoglobine in de rode bloedcellen en geeft daarmee informatie over de rode bloedcellen en over de verspreiding van zuurstof in het lichaam.
Read moreMCV stands for mean corpuscular volume and says something about the average size of the red blood cell. Under certain conditions, the size of the red blood cell changes.
Read moreErytrocyten zorgen met behulp van hemoglobine voor het transport van zuurstof door het bloed. De rode bloedcel is verantwoordelijk voor het transport van zuurstof naar alle lichaamsweefsels en gebruikt daarvoor het eiwit hemoglobine.
Read moreDe hematocriettest meet het volume-aandeel in bloed dat wordt ingenomen door de rode bloedcellen (erythrocyten). Als de hematocrietwaarde bijvoorbeeld 40% is, dan bestaat 100 milliliter (ml) bloed uit 40 milliliter rode bloedcellen.
Read moreHb staat voor hemoglobine. Hemoglobine is een eiwit en is een onderdeel van de rode bloedcel (de erytrocyt). In hemoglobine zijn vier ijzermoleculen verscholen. Deze ijzermoleculen zijn in staat om elk één zuurstofmolecuul te binden.
Read moreLeukocyten zijn witte bloedcellen. De witte bloedcellen zijn onderdeel van het afweersysteem.
Read moreMCHC staat voor mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. De MCHC bloed test bepaalt de concentratie van hemoglobine (zuurstoftransporterend eiwit) in de rode bloedcellen en geeft daarmee net als MCH informatie over de rode bloedcellen en over de verspreiding van zuurstof in het lichaam.
Read moreTrombocyten worden in de volksmond bloedplaatjes genoemd. Trombocyten zijn noodzakelijk voor de bloedstolling. Indien de hoeveelheid trombocyten lager is dan 30, kan dit tot gevaarlijke bloedingen leiden die niet stoppen.
Read moreIt is always wise to have your blood count tested if you want a general impression of your health. Also, several pathologies are related to abnormalities in blood values. If you are struggling with symptoms suspected to be due to problems with your blood, it is advisable to take a test.
Note! To avoid distorting the values in your blood, it is best to avoid squeezing your finger hard at the finger prick. In fact, this can cause the cells to break down.
A blood test at Easly can be done without a referral and thus serve as a preventive health check. Blood is hugely important and has a huge impact on health. Therefore, it is important that your blood levels are healthy.
A comprehensive blood test involves checking multiple blood cells. Thus, it does not assume a specific medical condition where the focus is only on a few blood cells but looks at the overall blood picture.
Because you take the blood test at home, you don’t have to leave the house for this examination. The finger prick required takes only a few seconds. Then send the blood sample to us and we will provide you with your results. If necessary, we then give our Medical Interpretation & Opinions.
Ealsy’s general blood test checks the following blood cells:
Keep in mind that normal values always vary by laboratory.
Easily order the test of your choice online. Tracking the development of your values over a longer period of time? Order multiple packages immediately.
You easily order a test kit of your choice. If you like to schedule subsequent tests ahead choose multiple packages.
Activate the test and take your sample in the morning. Send it back the same day, free of charge, with the enclosed shipping label.
Easly has a fully certified laboratory, where expert personnel process your sample. Professional and accurate.
Within 48 hours of receiving your sample, we share the test result with you confidentially in our portal and app.
Validation and personal consultation by our physician. When you repeat the test, you can follow the development of your values in a graph.
The most complete blood test. In addition to cardiovascular health, it also tests for the functioning of the organs, diabetes, and vitamin status.
All Easly digital systems have been developed and tested with great care. Because we work with both medical and personal data, our digital and physical processes are highly secured.
Easly develops all its test packages in-house. This allows us to continuously evaluate and improve reliability and quality. With the latest technology and the insights of the 21st century, we continue to innovate.
The Easy result is more than a result from the lab. All Samples are processed with the utmost discretion in the laboratory and then undergo a medical Interpretation, assessment and advice by one of our physicians.